Tom Dibb

Tom Dibb

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Whats going down!

Yo Dudes!
Apologies for being off the radar a bit the last month but its been a whole load of crazy jazz all at once and I've just been trying to sort each bit as it came.
There's been weddings galore, a whole season of loving going on. attended some as guest, some to play, and one as best man, Yea sorry ladies the Sass has been snatched.

On top of the hitching there's been birthdays, gigs, festivals, guitar shows, moving out of flats I've not even lived in for 6 months and all whilst the vans been out of action, pretty much since white noise festival. So massive thank you to all the people, new and old friends that have put me up over the last few weeks, I am for ever grateful.
So Pickle is currently up on the ramps again with no gearbox in and her engine being held in by a claw jack.
The plan is now to forge some kind of hybrid gear box from the old one and this other piece of crap we found.
I'll let you know how it goes, I really want my home back now.
After all the craziness I'm seeing a light again, starting to focus a little better again and as soon as the vans alive I'm gonna have some more campervan sessions coming and recipes.
Still sorting dates for the proposed "pickles northern adventure" tour. If there is any where you would like me to hit or if you'd like to have a bit of a jaunt at your place and you'd like me to come play some tune I'd be stoked. Just get in touch through twitter or face book.

Got an exciting last minute London show coming up too but I'll shout about that tomorrow.

Peace x

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